ICBC is like pigs lining up at the feedtroff , increasing fines & police bullying citizens, demanding zero tolerance .
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  We are are creatures effected by our environment, when the environment gets offensive, the normal instinct; for every action there is a reaction, natural human response when their liberty is being withheld is to be defensive. The growing dissidence is a result of more force being applied and loss and increase cost of liberty (just being able to exist). What other choice do we have as the bubble of injustice is about to burst, each day new stricter statutes that bureaucrats pass as law, forced through usurpation, telling us "the people consent is automatic". With each new stricter statute, the individual law enforcement officer is put in a position of having to carry out a tyrannical order of the state, making enforcement officers having to face the brunt of the discontent of the people who are acting through natural human response. I personally choose to act in peaceful ways and am encouraging only peaceful acts, legal ways, finding the essence of early law to defeat the tyranny. Police officers are human too, though some of them are goading into not thinking of anything but law, disregarding the man and his spirit.

These acts of peace, are being labeled as crazy by government agents simply because they are afraid of the truth getting out, so they will act as any wild animal is backed into a corner, in desperation, without honor in many cases.
We the people ask nothing more than to be able to exist and are paying the price for asking it.

“Ultimately, A genuine leader is not as such for consensus, but a molder of consensus,

            On some positions; Cowards ask the question: Is it safe?      
            Expediency asks the question: Is it politics?
            Vanity asks the question : is it popular?
            Conscious asks the question: is it right?
There comes a time when one must take the position that is neither safe, nor for politics, nor for popularity, but because it is right! " MLK

  Government corporations such as ICBC has been dramatically increasing penalties and  paying cops to strictly enforce zero tolerance, essentially pressure people into being scared of any law breaking of any kind by increasing the frequency of road blocks. ICBC has also been given power by our lovely liberal lizards to change the laws of the land in true oligarchy fashion; tripled fines for all violations, done away with  fair fines, which only moderately penalized moving violations, to now  including any violation gives a extreme monetary fine , plus points which add up to give yet further fascists fines;. If you get more than two tickets you get a second fine, and if you get three tickets in one year (which is possible because ICBC is pressuring cops to harass citizens constantly), ICBC gives you the two fines PLUS a third excessive fine of $300 surcharge on insurance.

ICBC is pocketing millions by pressuring RCMP into writing more tickets in a government pressure attack to force average law abiding citizens to conform to zero tolerance, though we are not robots, we make mistakes, every person on the road does not drive within the many , and ever increasing laws, ever look at the legal description of signaling, or how many of us travel with the flow of traffic going 10km's over the speed limit? So it ends up being like shooting fish in a barrel for the RCMP to milk the money from citizens, while at the same time check us out in detail to make sure we are not "breaking  the law".  The proof is in the officers who are giving two and three tickets out at a time.  Fines are one thing, but now they take your licence too at the drop of a hat , though the bureaucrats fail to realize people need their licence for work, for family, and to keep the bills paid! With out it peoples lives fall apart, in many cases turning to real crime or drugs, puts strain on personal relation ships, causing divorces and lack of child bonding....though ICBC's demands ZERO TOLERANCE! Its becoming more and more like a police state every day.

What is the law?  We as citizens are required to know the laws at all times and live with in them, though it has been getting tougher to understand just what is  "law", as so many new "laws" are made up and changed constantly by selfserving government.

Though in further examination, these so called "laws" are  not laws, but are merely "statutes" thus carry the force of law, under colour of law, but are not law in themselves.

Law is, the original law; God's law, then later codified in maxims and common law  over thousands of years,  ruling society right up until about 200 years ago.  We need law, and God's law is the original law, meant to be in sync with natural law so that the earth and its societies flourish in a balance of life. Religion is the recording of history, and the teachings of its divine laws; religion is government, though it has been manipulated and subrogated by man, interestingly enough, it all has a funny feeling of fate.

These laws are made up out of thin air by  government bureaucrats calling them selves the "Law Society"  In the beginning this society was excepted by citizens as providing basic laws to bring basic order and safely so that every one could live peacefully. Though the society has manipulated the system as a tool a financial gain for government foreplay, thus in the last decade or two, the laws have been turned against the average citizen through extreme penalties and persecution.

However detailed examination of the Law Society  reveals a case of there in lies the answer to our problem, because their tactics include questionable tactics of deceit in their methods which begs the question of their legitimacy . It is these methods that in themselves  are shown to be pushing the boundaries of our rights.  Indeed the answer lies in us ourselves defining our rights, for rule one of law is that if you do not claim these rights, then the Law Society gets to tell you what your rights are. By inaction we give them power.

Think of it as a contract, one your parents were duped into signing in exchange for State benefits and privileges. Though when you come of "legal" age, you become the trustee of if government gets its way [the trustee takes the responsibility and pays the debts]. though you are also grantor, beneficiary and if you so chose; Executive Director  of you legal fiction,  giving you the legal authority of your person[ which is really an corporation with equity], allowing you to access and direct your path. You only need to learn the route, for if you do not learn who you are; you default the inherent rights granted to us at birth, to a kind of co-op. This co-op is run by the "law society"  and "government" bureaucrats, which is like letting the fox in the hen house; its all a scheme woven with conflict of interests. The point of it is we need to claim our rights to navigate and claim the rights that we want to claim. Its the big rule....numero uno in "legal" government!!! Inaction = Default of power of choice or representation.  The Only rights you have, are the ones you claim; government doesn't give you rights, they only list the rights they recognize in the instance you have the balls enough to claim them.

It amounts to  narrow minded government, who use unrealistic  0% crime as the excuse to generate revenue,and  ICBC  who wants to see a 0% claims because the less pay out the more profit,  or cops given a mission of quota of tickets to fill, don't realize the trickle effect they create. To bureaucrats we are cashcows, generating a fund that  goes towards making up for their overspending. These actions come at a time when economically the average person is paying more and more to survive, while receiving less and less generated from a government system that has proved its self unsustainable.

Though consider rallying against their ignorance's is a easy as  learning your rights and use them as a tool against tyranny, lets make a movement that could not be ignored. Government  indeed work for us as the concept goes, we the people are the ones with the rights!.....knowing your rights is the key ~

This video demonstrates different ways of approaching a situation, know your rights, even though this video is based on United States rights, Canada has similar rights under the Contitution Act 1982. Not all cops are pricks, but understand they all have a mandate, they have been trained by a set of proceedures to be mindless terminators, understand none of them havn't even heard, let along read the Constitution Act, or the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, hell most of em don't even know the criminal code; except for whats convienant to arrest your liberties, if you give them the opportunity. That is why it is benificial to learn not only your inherent rights, and how to enforce them, but also know "thier" laws, [check out preamble, sections 32. & 52. of Constitution "Act"] so that you can obligate them to uphold their law.
[Juicy parts of criminal code; 38. 39. 15. 337. 176. just to name a few]


There is a number of ways to challenge the system, these are just a few; none of em are a sure thing, you have to learn, believe and act, for all the world is a stage; consider if every on was to contest their tickets, most people don't even realize we do have the legal right to contest in a court of law any ticket, including by-laws, and often times the citizen does win because the system doesn't count on people challenging it, so cops tend to overstep their bounds because they are use to being able to do so. The number of people naturally contesting the tickets in the last couple of years has tripled because of the increased tickets and amounts of fines, people are felling cheated...and rightfully so, but if we all contested it would flood the system and they would not be able to give us a fair trial in due time.

Understand its nothing more than a big poker game, the ticket is just the anti in the pot, you raise the stakes by taking them to court, they act like they have a wining hand,  put on their poker face, though they are often bluffing, holding their cards close, hoping you will fold.

Indeed it helps if right off the bat when you receive a ticket to go and file to fight the ticket in court, even if you have no intention of showing up in court, or are not able to appear. Filing to contest a ticket stalls the charges against you, causes the government great costs, time in court and takes the officer off the street and puts him in the court room; they need to learn that they do not have free range to what ever they want, that there will be consequences, that we will not go quietly into the good night whimpering; our forefathers did not suffer and die for liberty so that tyranny could rise in another form, in another time....court is his least favorite place, in fact most police officers are just as nervous as you and I. They  can be easily made to admit to mistakes or fumble as though they wouldn't like us to believe, they are not robots either. If every one disputes their tickets the system will be over loaded and they will not be able to process the tickets in due time as they are required by law, I think they have a year. Cops will have to spend much of their time in court instead of out on the street, then maybe they might think twice as using us as cashews and writing tickets maliciously.

  If you have ever fought a speeding ticket in court, you know what I mean about being intimidated and nervous. I had never gone to court and fought a ticket like most, as I said, I never got more than one or two tickets ever couple of years, costs were not out of this world, so I happily paid. It wasn't until things changed, road blocks started to constantly happen, zero tolerance kicked in, officers were given high quotas to fill, they started threatening my livelihood for nothing.

  My first ticket challenge was a couple years back when one cop gave me three tickets at once and threatened to take my car, my licence and my phone number to call on his beckon when he felt the need to. That asshole pick the wrong redneck Canuck to pick on, I fought it and lost, though with persistence we are inching closer and closer to remedies for the injustice of "traffic cashcowing" and bullying of citizens.


Traffic court is a joke as far as justice for the people, the judge is paid and installed by the government, the police is acting for the government, and all the government wants is the money. In traffic court the police offer acts as the prosecutor who runs the show, calling who ever they want when ever they want or see fit to suit their needs. The first time I fought a ticket, the officer did not show up in time, the team of prosecuting officers stalled my case till the officer showed up...which gives you an idea of how they can manipulate the system in their favor. 

In the unfortunate event you find yourself in a court and are required to defend against statutory charges, here are some questions I think need to be "on the record".

The Judge will call your name, most of us answer when we hear our given name, though you should answer the judge differently because in a court of law your name means something totally different. If you look at any official government document, including your drivers licence you will see that your whole name is in uppercase letters, (JOHN SMITH); this is officially known as an "artificial person", and indeed a corporation represented by yourself, and you are responsible for your corporation in all uppercase letters. In reality you  and I are what is official know as a "Natural Person" ; what ever your full name is. Though by capitalizing your whole name they have made you and I "artificial person" we are called agents, as we represent ourselves as an artificial person, (sort of like a company name), and as a representative we are bound by a society while acting as the artificial person.

So in response to the judge you would stand up and answer, I am the natural person know as ; the state your name, and you can even ask which person they would like :) the natural person or  the artificial person listed on your drivers licence as the corporation.

Then one of the first things you politely ask if the court recording is currently taking place, if not, ask that you wish to have it recorded from this point on, and to please record all spoken words. Quite often they will only record the seemingly official stuff, but leave out the rhetoric the judge constantly humiliates you with, like stories  that have nothing to do with you, separate cases in which the out come came to a horrific death justifying harsh penalties against you. Though if you or I mention a instance to make a point that is not to do with the case at hand, the judge will tell you to shut up,  just good to have all the spoken words for future reference.

Then if your looking to challenge  the legitimacy of their power and you have balls of steel you can give them a hard time:

On and for the record, are the charges I am expected to answer to statutory charges?

On and for the record, what is the definition of a statute?
A rule of a society that has been given the force of law.

On and for the record, what is the definition of a society?
A group of individuals that have gathered by mutual consent to deliberate for a common goal.

On and for the record, do you have evidence that I have consented to be a member of the society that is responsible for the creation and application of statutes?

On and for the record, do I, as an alleged member of this as of now unnamed society, have the power to be directly involved in the creation process of these statutes?

On and for the record, what society is responsible for the creation and application of these statutes?
The law society.

On and for the record, do you have evidence that proves I am a member of the law society?

On and for the record, what evidence do you have that I, as not being a member of this society, am bound by the rules of this society?
None. (though the signature on your drivers licence may be the smoking gun)

On and for the record, How can this court apply a rule of a society to an individual that neither consents to be, nor is in fact a member of the society of which the rules apply?
It cannot.

On and for the record, who is your employer and who gives you your power?
The government of Canada

On and for the record, who is the employer of the RCMP, and who gives them power of law?
The government of Canada

On and for the record, if both you, the judge, and the prosecuting RCMP both work for the same government that makes the laws,  giving you both the power to enforce the laws, how is it that I am able to receive a fair trial?
The conflict of interest is obvious and there for unfair.

I request a trial by a panel of my peers, known as a trial by jury as to remove conflict of interest of the ability of the Law society, which makes the laws,  and the government of Canada which collects the fines.

Remember, never ask a question that you do not already know the answer to.

I have come across several other solutions, one of  the things the law society is constantly trying to do is to get you to admit to the offence, thus is why they tempt you with the reduced fines if paid early.Their favorite is you to take no action, which automatically makes you guilty until proven innocent, back wards to what is commonly known as innocent until proven guilty.

The thing that they hate most, but usually end up winning anyway's, is to contest a ticket in a court of law. They control the system, make the laws, enforce, and control dispute, unless there is an mistake they win as well. Perhaps the most despising, is the fact that after you loose in court, the judge can do what ever they feel, increase the fine to as much as double, put restrictions on you, or even take your licence away. (actually they can only do this if you have along driving rap sheet)

Thus the answer lies in not going to court at all if possible, as they want you to contest it, as this in ways, admits your guilt or suspicion of guilt. 
Some guru's have found viable flaws in the system; Speeding Ticket resolve on written dispute

People like Robert Menard who was a law abiding regular man going with the flow of government  management, [like the rest of us]until the government took his child away with no basis other than its own laws dictating. He in turn fought back, turning the evil energy thrusted upon him by government, back towards the injustice of the system.  The devil is in the details as it were, indeed the system used against us has its flaws, Robert has painstakingly put the pieces of the puzzle together that opens all sorts of remedies for the tyranny of our Oligarchy government, including traffic and bylaw tickets, income tax default, and student loan payments legally paid off. Since then, there have been a movement of conciousness that has gone global, all becasue of tyranny that has grown, so it is by "thier" own hand that the movement has manifested its self. 

One of  the remedies that may be relevant to traffic infractions is the fact that tickets are infact bills, similar to you going to a restaurant, as such in legal commerce, bills must be presented in the original copy. Review of your average traffic or bylaw ticket reveals that they are carbon copies. Thus when an officer is writing you a ticket you ask for the original copy, preferably with a witness or camera present.  When they do not give you the original, you mail back the carbon copy, first writing "dispute for lack of presentment" The ploy of the system is that the government needs the origin copy for processing, thus they can not send you the original AND put it through the system with out the original.

I recommend to study up on the freeman site, and become part of the "Movement" to restore justice and peace through acts of peace, using legal remedy as a cure.

So much information and idea's on the site, its incredible, turns out there is more than one way to skin a fatcat ;)

This was posted on the world freeman discussion
board by a wise gentleman who knows his rights;

It's been over 6 months since I Disputed a $295.00 speeding ticket that I received
in the summer in Kelowna, BC. My experience has been that in Provincial Court or
in minor offenses under statutes that require appearance in dispute in Provincial Court, that filing written material in advance, resolves and or curtails any further action in the matter. Attached is my written dispute and affidavit in remedy. Please check my previous post that resolved "driving while prohibited" with out appearance the day before court.

I recently went to supreme court for "unauthorized practice of law" in an application set down by the law society. Initially I was ruled against in my capacity of a sovereign man. I went in thin and these cases in the supreme court (unlike provincial court) are not easily accepted. If they were, everyone could walk away from any public system of current law under equity and statutory law which could disable the current endorsement and procedure under the current system.

On suggestion from myself and another, a guy we know went to a JCC (Informal, off the record mediation with the parties involved and the Justice) in a family matter in supreme court. Of all that he said, when he mentioned that in is in the capacity of a sovereign man, the justice changed his disposition and took a recess. Note- They don't take breaks during a JCC, they only last about an hour. When the Justice returned, he stated that their matter was not going to be resolved that day and looked at the opposing counsel and said to him " I trust that you will not be bringing this matter before me in [my court]. This was my confidence prior to my aforementioned hearing and I stated it clearly among other claims. Anyone interested in my filed documentation before or after my hearing and my subsequent letter (offer in contract) in remedy to the errors of the Justice that I came before, I will forward upon request in a PM or e-mail.

I have continued the process with the chief justice of the supreme court in remedy and will post upon success.



July 24, 2009


To Whom It May Concern:

RE: Violation Ticket AH 50983321

As agent for the accused, XXXXXXXXXX, for an offence under the Motor Vehicle Act, I XXXXXXXXXXX of the XXXXXX family hereby make full reservations of my rights under the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) s. 1-308 and fall under my rights in common law jurisdiction.

Under common law jurisdiction and with-out harm to any individual, XXXXXXXXXXXX, does not consent to adjudication in a transaction of a security interest. This Notice of Dispute is being used in form only to resolve the noted issue.

If this Notice of Dispute does not resolve in entirety the Violation Ticket AH 50983321, XXXXXXXXXXXX will attend a hearing to prevent harm to himself through an imposed, non-consensual, adjudication.

As well, pursuant to the UCC s. 1-103 I submit that the Motor Vehicle Act of British Columbia must be harmonized with common law and as such a “verified complaint” must be presented by the individual in which harm is claimed.

In the interim, I XXXXXXXX of the XXXXX family, will be drawing up a Notice of Understanding and Intention and a Claim of Right to be served on the Attorney General of British Columbia which among claims involving common law jurisdiction and legal entities and the consent thereof etc., I will be adding a fee schedule which will include fees charged to the Crown in recovering costs associated with travel and accommodations to appear at an adjudication to prevent harm to myself.

Upon perfecting an unopposed Claim of Right, I will forward this document to “whom it may concern” at the address noted for this Notice of Dispute at 1720 Springfield Road, Kelowna.

Any response in discussion of this matter in resolve can be forwarded to the below address or fax number.

Yours truly,___________________
“Without Prejudice (UCC 1-308)”

Mailing Address; 827 Chestnut Street, New Westminster, BC, V3L 4N3
Fax number; 604 524-3162


July 23, 2009
Violation Ticket No. AH50983321

The Prosecutor of
the Provincial Court of
British Columbia in the City of

Enforcement Officer # 42031
for the Province of British Columbia


I , XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, of 827 Chestnut Street in New Westminster City, British Columbia MAKE OATH AND SAY AS FOLLOWS:

1. I am the agent of the legal entity, XXXXXXXXXX, (Drivers licence no.3432926) and have

such personal knowledge of the facts and matters hereinafter disposed to save and

except where so stated to be on information and belief and where so stated I verily

believe the same to be true.

2. A joinder is not to be construed by any means now or in future proceedings between

myself, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX the blood, flesh and bones man as agent and XXXXXXXXXXX, the legal entity and the accused in this matter.

3. On July 5, 2009 on or about 8:30 pm XXXXXXXXXX was not speeding and no harm to any

individual was incurred.

4. The enforcement officer # 42031 at the time of the alleged offence under the Motor

Vehicle Act did not offer XXXXXXXXXXX to signature the violation ticket at which time a

reservation of rights under the Uniformed Commercial Code s. 1-308 would have been

stated in writing.


- 2 -

5. XXXXXXXXX is a peaceful and lawful man acting under common-law jurisdiction and

intended no harm to any individual during the alleged statutory offence of July 5,


Witness as to signature only;

A Commissioner for taking
Affidavits for British Columbia



I am a service contractor that requires me to drive constantly for my job, in the last twenty years's I have logged over a million km's, no major accidents or infractions. I am also a mechanic who builds and restores street legal muscle cars, I have no major infractions, nor caused any accidents driving 400hp street legal hot rods in my life.

  It never use to bother me getting the odd speeding ticket, (always in work van, & never more than 10k over) every couple of years, its obvious every one speeds at one point or another. In the last few years the number of road blocks and traffic enforcement has exploded. Cops with shitty attitudes have infested the force like cockroaches in a cheap hotel. See a cop car and get a anxiety rush because I don't know if he's a prick with an attitude or a guy just doing his job.

This is the story of how cops like to abuse their power's,lie in court.  It's common for cops to give out two or even three tickets at a time, you wonder why people are disgusted with the actions of the RCMP, its getting like a police state with "checkpoints" an everyday occurance.

   Labor day weekend 2007, Barrier fall fair, nice family affair, being that I have family that live in Barrier I usually attend with my young son. We enjoyed the whole day, was great as usually, till we go to leave when the rodeo was over it was about 6 PM and the traffic is in grid lock. The whole town of Barrier stuck in this massive traffic jam.
  Leaving my hotrod at home I decided to just take the old work van as it runs on propane and is very cheap compared to the 78 Trans Am that I own besides the dirt roads to my brother inlaws ranch is murder on it, never the less hear we are the whole town of Barrier and it's guests  held captive by what turns out to be an RCMP road block. For about an hour we all waited  in line, the old vans temperature gauge was peaking and mine wasn't far off either...What...They expect us to be all cheery and happy about it?

   I approach the officer as he waves me on, stopping me I question who the hell is in charge and what does he want as I wonder who's stupid idea it was to hold the hole town up...a person with half a brain would hold it say, at nine PM when all the drunks are stumbling out of the beer  gardens (if there were indeed any dui's handed out that weekend) as 99% of the people who attended the fair were family's.

  The  officer has the stupidity to say..."duh...are you wearing your seat belt" as he can plainly see that it is buckled up. "What does it look like." I reply.
  The guy didn't ask if I had been drinking...if it were a seat belt check they could visually see it and flag people through faster as they approach.He did tell me that it was constable Mike Mucha in charge, I asked to see him but he wasn't there at the time.

Well he flags me through and I take a hard right to get to the highway as the road block was at the four way stop  intersection. There was a bit of loose gravel on the road  as I turned hard right the inside tire spun about three revolutions kicking up a bit of dust as I accelerated away. I just about make it to the highway when I see lights flashing  coming up behind so I calmly pull over.

the same officer(super young kid looked like a teenager, Cost Evan Cadwallader) approaches the van...he's shaking like a leaf literally, and I ask the guy"how long have you been on the force?" ..."uh about a year" he replies. He gets to business and asks to see my driver's licence and registration, so I hand it to him and moments later he comes back with a ticket:undue noise, $109 and he says "well it's not a ticket you get points with"  as if he's trying to console me.

  Now I am self employed, I run a small home based chimney service business that I have built up over the years, I drive on average 250km's a day Monday to Friday, I am not perfect by a long shot.... I don't go around driving crazy in my 400hp car as I don't want to loose my licence or kill some one.I live out of town in the suburbs and pick my son up in Salmon Arm on weekends. the only speeding tickets I have ever gotten have been 10K over in the work van...hell there isn't a person,police,or priest who hasn't sped at one time or another....most exit ramps all post 30km but when was the last time you saw any one at that speed?

That is not even the worst part....on Sun, Nov 11 which was remembrance day of all days, my son and I are watching documentaries on the war as our Grandfather was killed in WWII. Then all of a sudden at around 6pm a loud bam bam bam on the door, It's a RCMP, he hands me a ticket as I'm shocked I ask  what it's for ...he plays dumb and says he is only delivering it...he looks at the date and says it's for Sept 1St and I immediately ask him how they can do that and he just turns and walks away. The ticket has little to no information on it...only a date and a charge "dangerous driving with undue care and attention, $385....that's a major fricken charge...if it goes through they are going to pull my driver's licence as when I tried to fight a traffic ticket a year earlier the JJP warned me that I was a menace on the highway and was close to loosing my licence(that story for another time) apparently the JJP can alter the charge how ever they seem fit so now your not only fight the charge on the ticket but hoping you don't piss of the bitch behind the gavel, she can take your licence, add fines, add charges, hell, she can throw you in jail if she really wanted.

Apparently the cops can charge you anytime anything after the fact...even going on three months later.In today's society while murder's, drug dealers, robbers, thieves ...etc walk the streets the cops are busy bullying average citizens probably ruin my business.Hell I will have to go back to a life of crime as I grew up poor and on the streets, I know how organized crime works, you cant' but help in today's society,drugs are shoved in your face when your a kid...drug dealers don't go to jail in Canada. I have applied to fight this ticket so in a few months I'm sure there will be ten cops there swearing I was driving like a deranged guy hopped up on drugs, so I'll be loosing my licence I expect.

  The following weeks in Sept I was traveling back and forth to the ranch in Barrier I ran threw another road block ...this one on the highway...what the hell are we living in Communist China?Turns out Barrier is quite the lil redneck ruled as often there will be three or even four road blocks in one day in Barrier.
Do these guys really have the mandate to make it a policed or military state, if so who gave it to them? In the last two years they have increased fines AND patrols with a zero tolerance attitude, quite the cash cow for the government.

  This is my story of one particular time...I'm know there are people out there with similar story's, the goal hear is to band together and get some changes made.

    A year earlier, I was out early in the spring, first weekend the car was on the road, 78TA with a mild 400hp Pontiac engine, it's a daily driver with some kick, I don't drive crazy, haven't gotten any tickets or accidents in the 5 years I've had it. That's not to say I don't have a little fun once in a while, nothing dangerous or risky, I usually open it up once in a while when it's safe to do so and it doesn't put people in danger.

  This is the letter I wrote to the complaints commissioner back in 2006 describing my complaint

So I was driving home on the highway about 18 km's from home, there are
several lights in what is know as Valleyview. I come to a red light, being
just getting the car on the road for summer, I was enjoying the drive, doing
the speed limit, not driving aradic or anything, my dog was in the back
also enjoying the ride, with my ice cream in my hand and music playing I
left the light smoothly. Upon restoring the car I put a little more
horsepower in it as bragging rights are every thing to car enthusiasts.
Requiring great control not to stall the car if rpm's were to low and on
the other end of the scale not letting the rpm's get to high as to launch the
car in race mode as it would leave like a bullet. Being on the highway and no
pedestrians or cars in my road I squeeze the gas pedal an inch about 50 feet
after taking off simply to enjoy the feel of the horsepower for the first
time that year. Being of about 300 horsepower the car breaks the tires loose
in a controlled squeal. shifting into second gear I did the same thing resulting
in a another burst of power breaking the tires again in a controlled light squeal
of power to the tires. Then I proceeded to shift into third then fourth quickly
resulting in attaining the speed limit quickly and gently. This is not the norm
for me as I am very conservative and conscious of safety and do not do this often.

  So I'm driving down the rest of the highway to home, I'm in the fast lane
and there is considerable traffic  in front of me as the next light is red, then
turns to green just as I approach. most of the cars turn into the slow lane
as we continue for some few km's, as were are cruising at 80km's and the speed
limit is 90km's. disappointed that the last car is not changing lanes I give two
quick flashes of the highbeems.(universal signal known by most to the driver to
please move into the slow lane) The car dose not respond so not being  aggressive
I simply signal and pull into the slow lane as it Is doing the speed limit passing
the slower car in the left lane. Now when I signal I didn't have time to signal for
100 m then turn into the lane as the cars are passing the  slower car in the other
lane. I signaled maybe 20 m then turned into the right lane still signaling and
move past the car fairly quickly as I said he was not doing the speed limit.

All fine and dandy, 5 minutes pass by as I approach  the turn off for my home
known as the Dallas turn off. I signaled properly into the turn off lane which
is 100m long just as I round the corner police lights are in my rear view.
I pull over just around the corner and wait for the police man to approach.
I sit there for a good five minutes waiting for the officer to approach, by this
time it's quite hot in the car as it is a hot night, good 25 degrees.

  Finally as the officer approaches my dog has it's head out of the car trying to
get fresh air as it is a hot night and even hotter in the car. The dog is
waging her tail, smiling, not showing any signs of aggression and the officer
says some thing to the fact that my dog is aggressive and tells me to keep it
inside, I say "dose it look aggressive" then officer says unless you remove the dog
we are going to have a problem. At this point the officer is quite aggressive, so
I lead the dog to go to the other window on the passenger side.

  The officer then asks me "do you know why I pulled you over", at this point
I am dumbfounded as to what the problem is as its been 15km's since I squealed
the tires lightly.(I say slightly because the full power potential of the car
would tare the tires off and launch the car at incredible speeds).I say I'm not
sure why,as the speed limit was not broken nor did I drive aggressive at any point
after the squeal. He then says that I was drag racing at that time he said a "blue
thunderbird", driving aggressively,not signaling and driving to close to other
I try to explain the situation that I was simple out for ceramic and a drive,the
car has immense power, that I only race on race tracks, and that I took into
consideration it's safer to let a little power out on a highway rather than in a
populated area. He then states he has seen my driving record and doubts that I am
telling the truth. He then states the car has to much power for me I can not handle
it and tells me to get rid of it. The fact of the mater is the only moving
violation I've gotten in the last 5 years is in my contractors van as I am a
selfemployed chimney service man that spends most of my time driving for work.
The other fact of the matter is I have NEVER EVER gotten a speeding ticket in
this car,nor any other infractions, nor have I been in a accident with the car.
I have gotten numerous seat belt tickets in the last few years in the work van
I do admit, more than happy to pay the fines and at this time Have learned to
buckle up 100 percent of the time as a result.I don't pretend to be perfect,
are you or any body in society? I am a product of society, and have the utmost
respect for the RCMP and our citizens, having a good relation ship even with
officers that issue me tickets properly, that is why I have never fought a
ticket in the past.

  The officer then tells me he can impound my car and my drivers licence for
what he describes as aggressive driving and drag racing. I try to explain
saying that is not my intent, I only race at race tracks and am in very good
control of the car. He then demands were is the track that I race, at this
point my mind is wavering, trying to get the name of the tracks, Ashcroft
and mission out...he is interrupting me, saying "ware...ware" trying to make
me make a mistake, it isn't tell later on in the week when some one approach's
me to go drag race at a midnight for the local illegal race that is held some
were in town, of which I have never been as I can not afford to loose my license.
Yet the officer is trying to get me to slip up and say something else as if
he didn't believe me. The officer than tells me to stop talking, and be quiet or
else, so I do so, he then say he is going back to his car and coming back with
three tickets.

  A good 15 minutes go by and then I see a motorcycle officer pull up and approach
the officer in the car. I see them conversing in my rear view mirror for another
15-20 minutes before the officer from the car approaches me. The officer tells
me the charges and asks me to sign. After that He says something to the effect
that unless my driving habits change he is going to take my car for good and
crush it, and my drivers license will be pulled, the officer starts shaking
a white book about a half inch thick in my face and repeatedly in a offensive
way says"do you know what this is?" "This is the book I am going to use to
impound your car and crush it if I catch you again doing any aggressive driving"
Then the officer asks what my phone number is and writes it down along with
my address in a little book.Thinking back on it,I'm sure he's still convinced
I'm one of the illegal street racers he has been trying to catch late nights.
Finally after a good 30-45 minutes I am allowed to continue on my way.

  Then next day I go and log a complaint at the office, an officer named
Staff Sergeant Learned took my complaint. He informed me that he could do
nothing about the charges and would forward the complaint to the night Staff
Sergeant in charge of the officer that the complaint was filed against, as
Staff Sergeant Learned was incharge of the day shift. I informed him that
I was not looking to get the officer in question into serious trouble,
rather to try and get him to be more of a professional when serving the
public and not to over step his bounds.I then proceeded to the court house
to register to fight the tickets, I believe I was given a date of about 5
months down the road in Sept.

  Several months go by without contact and in September 12 I received a letter
from J.J Begley, Superintendent  more or less stating that he found what I had
said in my statement was a lie as he personally knows the officer in question, a
Constable Van de Pol, and it is not likely the truth. In reading the letter
I found what I had said and what was in the letter from Begley was not complete
to the original complaint, missing some information and parts of the complaint.
At that time I contacted Staff Sergeant Learned to try and see if I could get
a copy of the original complaint as my memory is a little cloudy as to what
exactly I had said but I knew there were some information missing. He informed me
that he had forwarded the information to the night Staff Sergeant and that the
procedure is that I was suppose to be contacted by a complaints officer. I informed
him I had not been contacted and that I had finally received a letter from Beggley.
Staff Sergeant Learned was dumfounded as to why procedures had not been followed
properly and he then gave me Staff Sergeant Bill Goughnour name and if he were
me He would follow up to see why a proper investigation was not filed, as he
was disappointed to hear that proper procedure was not followed. Unfortunately
I am a selfemployed Chimney serviceman and at that time of the year was working
long days as in the fall my services are in high demand aswell as being a single
parent.Staff Sergeant Learned was helpful and sensitive to my problem, I wish
all police were of his nature, honest and true, doing his job properly.

  The court date was not to far off by this time any ways and I was confident
that the courts would see the error of the situation. I can't recall exactly
the date but it was toward the end of Sept 2006, I took precious time off
from my busy schedule, booking the day off showing up on time only to find
out to my disappointment that the court date had been changed with out notice.
The next day I DID receive a letter in the mail stating as such, and the date
had been changed to October 4. I again took time off from work and went to
court, showing up early in the morning as was requested. Upon starting off
in court I found the officer was not present, I then witness what was aloud
a deliberate delay as the J.J.P allowed the officers incharge of the proceedings
to jump from different order than what was listed and in hearing the first
court case there was a deliberate delay as the officers went on and on trying
to extend the time, I would like you to pull the record from court on that day
so you may see for your self. the officer in the first hearing went on and on
about type and model of radar, repeating the same thing over. Any body
could tell some thing was not right about the procedure.This went on for a
good 45 minutes till in walks the officer for my case, then of course things
went back to normal.

  I was called up and I was asked if I understood the rules and I asked if
they could be repeated as I did not fully understand them. The J.J.P gave
me a dirty look and made me feel uncomfortable by the tone of voice  and
manner with which she responded, it was like she was anoid with me for her
having to take the extra time to explain. Never the less things did proceed
and I listened to the officers side of the trial, after I got to ask questions.
One of the questions was Why was the second officer called to the seen, the
reply at the time was "he was in the vicinity when I made the stop" and
"I'm not sure If he was called". Then Later in the final stages in cross
examination of me Constable Van de Pol says ' what would you say if I told
you that the reason I spoke with the other officer that attended the scene
after I stopped you was because I was TRYING to decide whether I could
and how to contact the superintendent of motor vehicles in order to determine
whether  the driving behavior that I observed was enough to prohibit you and
suspend you or to impound your vehicle?What would you say if I told you that
was the reason why I spoke with that other constable?" Well I just about
fell over in my chair, I couldn't believe my ears that after I had specifically
asked him in my questioning earlier, to me that is lying on the stand isn't
it? I was so surprised to hear a officer of the law lying  in court.What kind
of judicial system are we running in this country were officer can lie and
manipulate the courts openly. Van de Pole also says "This is the only time
that I have ever thought or asked for help"

  Other things did not add up like he said "I attempt to close the gap"
when he first observed the incident from the start, to me that sounds
like he chased me down...he didn't say he followed me to see if I was
racing. the fact of the mater is I was not speeding and it was attleast
13-15 km's before he pulled me over just as I was ready to exit.
the witness was asked by the officer "do you recall how long it takes from
when the light goes green and you travel down the road until you see the ghost
car".To which the witness states"oh, two or three seconds" The guy
was obviously just following me, he even brought his own witness that witnessed
practically the whole thing, a Mr LittleJohns and what was said by the officer
and by his witness is different in regards to the position of both vehicles
(which car was in which lane).The officer said he tried to close the gap rather
than follow me while the witness clearly states he followed me. I feel it was
the officer that illegally profiled me as a "street racer" as it was a flashy
car, my dog happened to be a rotwyler" so he felt I was a bad guy, and was
out to cause me problems beyond what an ordinary officer would have done.
Simply put, the officer has a chip on his shoulder.The officer states
Mr Littlejohns  was in the right as well as in the left lane, for which
Mr Littlejohns was in the right the whole time. The whole statement of
the officer is made up, as he attests to "closing the gap" and how
long it took to actually do so varies from what the witness says.
The witness said he was passed 2-3 seconds from leaving the lights
to the officer saying Mr Littlejohns turn into the right lane and
he could see my car 10 lengths ahead.

I would have been more than happy if the officer would have conducted himself
appropriately simply by pulling me over WHEN the incidence occurred and given
the ticket for the loud noise. Instead the officer followed me for atleast 13km
trumped up phony charges, call in a senior member to get further phony charges to take my car by saying I was drag racing, when it was clear I was not and he was not able to do so.The officer then tried to intimidate me further, not warn, but threaten
me in away unbecoming of an officer by shaking the impound book in my face.

When I say look at my driving record I mean my record since I was 16, up until
my mid 20's it is horrible..I admit, I have come along way.For driving
being a big part of my job I have not had an accident in many years, and
offences have been kept moderate in my view.In charging my with three
offences the officer is trying to have my license taken away be the ministry.
I don't pretend to be perfect, but at the same time for the amount of
kms I log each year I'm far from being the worst.

Further more this doubles as to place a complaint against  Sup J.J. Begley for
not following the complaints process properly and placing his personal view
in place of the facts. I have also viewed that Constable Van de Pol is constantly
in court as it seems this is a regular thing with him. I would be interested
in comparing him to other officers  records when it comes to the way he conducts
himself and complaints and disputed tickets.

  In speaking with other members of the police force, namely senior members,
the public, private security officers and in the media it is plain to see
many complaints against younger members in things like excessive force,
over stepping the law, and busting the real criminals. I feel superintendent
J.J Begley is NOT doing his job and placing his personal views instead of
the law when dealing with younger members placing the public in danger.
If things are not done to rain in the those members the relation ship between
the public and RCMP will be very abrasive. We the public constantly see the real
criminals, murders,rapists drug dealers, ect walk time and time again.
RCMP seem more interested in busting speeder's than the criminals, the erosion
of our society can be partly blamed on our criminal system. Drugs run rapid.

When talking to Staff Sergeant Learned I said I was not looking to
get Constable Van de Pol in serious trouble, all bets are off, this guys needs
to reined in and dealt with properly, I do not feel comfortable with that officer
in my community, every time I see a police car it gives me a feeling of anxiety
wondering if the police are going to harass me and trump up false charges as
it seems nobody in RCMP seem to care about rouge cops.Vigilantism is not
tolerated in public for good reason, though equally why should a type of
vigilantism of  the perceived "bad guy" be tolerated with the RCMP?
Why should rouge police officers who seem to be able to manipulate the system
to their liking go unrepremanded, unchecked, unopposed?.It only weakens the
judgment of the public; intern, effects the anxiety level with in the public.

UPDATE: DEC 17/ 2007....just received a nasty letter in the mail stating I'm a terrible driver cause in the last five years I have gotten five no seat belt fines, two speeding tickets and a couple of chumped up charges for noise infractions as the one for mentioned above. They say I am on probation for the next few years and if I get any tickets of any kind they will suspend me. Low and behold it does not list the ticket that I am fighting ....the one they gave me on remembrance day two and a half moths after the incidence, I think I'm screwed.

~ This information is not legal advice, I am not a lawyer, any action take is your own responsibility ~